Family Net

 Sponsored Family Internet Connection

 MakaNet is Collaborating with Sponsors to Enable Connectivity for Families in need.

If you have no internet connection at home, a family with children, cannot afford internet due to untimely events, then Apply Now for an opportunity to receive Sponsored broadband at home for 6 months.

Terms & Conditions Apply. Sponsorship ends at the end of 6 months. Sponsor is not responsible for funding after 6 months. Family can continue service at the monthly rate set by MakaNet and Agree to Standard Broadband T&Cs.


Sponsored Internet Connection - 6 Months for a Family.


Family with Children. No internet service. Accept MakaNet T&Cs.


Enter details for an opportunity to get online with 6 months of credit.


Join Us and Sponsor 6 Months Unlimited Fibre Plan for a family.